Camping is one of the most popular family activities in the United States. One report showed that over forty million people went camping in just one year. That is fourteen percent of the total population over the age of six.
The number one reason people report enjoying camping is a desire to spend time with family and friends and because they simply enjoy it. There are a wide range of activities and adventures that can be gone on while camping. The pure joy of camping is one of the biggest motivators.
Camping provides opportunities to try new things like fishing, horse back riding, archery, hiking, crafts, and so on. Campgrounds offer a wide range of amenities and services for their campers which provide non-stop fun and enjoyment. You may try something new while camping that grows into a personal passion.
Summer camping trips are the best because you can participate in water activities like playing at the splashpark, possibly kayaking or canoeing depending on the camp ground you are staying at. You can also comfortable spend more time outside. Lakeside campgrounds are some of the best because you can do so many things on the water.
For the most part, camping falls into tree categories: tent camping, cabin camping, or camper camping. Tent camping is considered more primitive and not for everyone. You only cook on a campfire or grill, you sleep on the ground, you have to pitch your own tent. Generally people who go tent camping have either done it before or are going with someone who has done it before.
Cabin camping is essentially staying in a cozy house located on a campground. You can cook inside, sleep in beds, even enjoy television or air conditioning depending on the cabin. Camper camping is the cross roads. You maintain a lot of amenities like beds and kitchens albeit tiny, but it is not like staying in a cabin.
Camp resorts are ideal because they have many amenities that you wouldn’t get other places. They also generally have a schedule of activities available that you can choose to participate in with your family.
When deciding where to go, start with what your family wants to do while camping. For example, if your family wants to be able to do things like swimming, fishing, or canoeing, check out lakeside campgrounds first.
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